Saturday, May 31, 2014

Our neighborhood family

When the winter hibernation is over we spend most evenings outside with our amazing neighbors. Little Cece can't wait to meet the baby!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Totally dependent on another's love

I am in awe of the way God has brought us to our knees throughout this journey.

Our becoming parents is only going to be possible through the self-sacrificing love of a birthmother. What a tremendously humbling thought! The trajectory of our lives depends on a hurting woman choosing to live the rest of her life with a hole in her heart because she values the life of her child more than her own comfort and desires. Our child's birthmother will embody the love of Christ in the most literal way- giving her own flesh and blood for another's good. I cannot help but to get weepy when I think about it.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

We're paper pregnant! Almost...

It's been a long 3 years. We've faced surgery after surgery, countless doctor's visits, crazy inducing medications and more than our fair share of grief and disappointment. Through it all, we have been so blessed to have our families and friends by our sides. Truly, no act of kindness has gone unnoticed. Whether it was a meal you made us, a card, a phone call, a lunch-date- your love and thoughtfulness has sustained us through the darkest of times.

No matter how dark the road got, God never left us. He has been by our sides through every tear, negative test, and failed treatment.

Many of you already know that Lauren has felt God tugging at her heart to pursue adoption literally throughout our entire journey. Even when top specialists were telling us we would conceive and there was nothing wrong- I felt an indescribable pull.